
HPSC latest update on monkeypox in Ireland. 101 confirmed cases of  monkeypox in Ireland. 10/08/2022.

HPSC has now been notified of 101 confirmed cases of  monkeypox in Ireland, and have published the latest report on confirmed cases. Read the HPSC latest update on monkeypox in Ireland at:

For each case, Public Health is following up those who had close contact with the case while they were infectious. Public health risk assessments have been undertaken, and those who were in contact with the cases are being advised on what to do in the event that they become ill. online home STI testing service has been extended to include counties Longford and Westmeath, and is now available in 24 counties in Ireland.

The online home STI testing service has now been extended to include counties Longford and Westmeath. Anyone aged 17+ with an address across 24 counties can now order free STI testing kits online at 

As of 10th August, free home testing is available in the following counties:

Congratulations to Dr Michael Byrne, Head of Student Health Department UCC. Recipient of the Windle Prize 2021/2022, School of Medicine UCC.

Many congratulations to our colleague Dr Michael Byrne, Head of Student Health Department at UCC, who was recently honoured by the School of Medicine UCC as the recipient of the Windle Prize for 2021 /2022. Congratulations also to his daughter Dr Eithne Byrne, who was awarded the Janssen Gold Medal as 'Intern of the Year' at Cork University Hospital. 

A double accolade! Congratulations and well done Dr Michael and Dr Eithne, from all at the Irish Student Health Association. 

HRB Report: Ireland’s main findings from the 2021 European Web Survey on Drugs (EWSD). 04/08/2022

Ireland participated in the European Web survey on drugs (EWSD) for the first time in 2021 with the aim of capturing those who use drugs but may not experience dependency issues, as well as niche user groups such as those consuming psychedelic-type drugs. Read Ireland’s main findings from the 2021 EWSD at:

Press Release 4th August 2022

HPSC, latest update on monkeypox in Ireland. 03/08/2022.

HPSC has now been notified of 97 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Ireland. Read the HPSC latest update on monkeypox in Ireland

For each case, Public Health is following up those who had close contact with the case while they were infectious. Public health risk assessments have been undertaken, and those who were in contact with the cases are being advised on what to do in the event that they become ill.

National Medicines Information Centre (NMIC)-Paxlovid™ update on prescribing and access

Paxlovid™ received a conditional marketing authorisation throughout the EU in January 2022, and became available for use in Ireland in specific circumstances in April 2022. Full details of the authorisation process for Paxlovid™ are available on the European Medicines Agency website.

Eligibility and prescribing considerations

Minister for Health announces NIAC and ICMO recommendations on monkeypox vaccination. 26/07/2022

Department of Health. Published 26 July 2022. Last updated on 27 July 2022.

The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly today announced plans to extend the use of the smallpox vaccine for individuals at high risk of monkeypox infection in Ireland. It follows recommendations made on 22 July by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) to the Interim Chief Medical Officer (CMO), who has endorsed these recommendations. NIAC has recommended: