HSE-AMRIC have published the HSE antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) guidance for all healthcare settings.
HSE AMRIC antimicrobial stewardship guidance for all healthcare settings v1 Published August 2022
Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) is an integral component of patient safety, it promotes maximising the benefit of antimicrobials and causing the least harm for the individual service user. AMS programmes are delivered by a multidisciplinary team using a suite of strategies and interventions and operate within the governance structure of a healthcare facility. AMS is vital in limiting and potentially reversing the development of AMR.
The aim of the document is to provide support and guidance to AMS teams, healthcare facility managers, and the individual healthcare worker by providing the evidence, expert guidance, and tools they need to initiate and sustain AMS programmes. The work of HEIs, professional colleges and groups is central to the creation and delivery of AMS education. This document will provide guidance to the development of curricula, educational courses, and training programmes.
This AMS guidance will provide the base to enabling many of the actions of the HSE AMRIC action plan 2022-2025 and associated human health related actions of Ireland’s national action plan for antimicrobial resistance 2022-2025.