
IDF School of Diabetes- New free online course- Understand the basics of blood glucose contol

Blood glucose monitoring is a fundamental component of diabetes care to help delay or avoid the short and long-term complications associated with the condition.

IDF the International Diabetes Federation School of Diabetes is delighted to present a new free interactive online course to help people living with diabetes and those who care for them understand the basics of blood glucose control.

Monkeypox in Ireland. HPSC latest update 30/06/2022

HPSC has now been notified of 39 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Ireland. Monkeypox Report. These cases are not unexpected following the presence of monkeypox cases in the UK and many European countries.

For each case, Public Health is following up those who had close contact with the case while they were infectious. Public health risk assessments have been undertaken, and those who were in contact with the cases are being advised on what to do in the event that they become ill.

All-Ireland Social Prescribing Conference. June 23rd and 24th 2022 in Derry.

The All-Ireland Social Prescribing Conference, takes place in Derry on June 23rd and 24th 2022. 

The All-Ireland Social Prescribing conference is an occasion for health and community organisations, funders, policy makers and researchers to come together, reflect, recharge and identify how best to make social prescribing available for all. While our society continues to reel from the impact of Covid-19,  it is vital that the rebuild process places people at the heart of services and service design.

Use of epinephrine auto injectors in the immediate management of anaphylaxis

Epinephrine is recommended to be given intramuscularly (IM) in the immediate management of anaphylaxis. The recommended needle length for IM injections in the anterolateral thigh is 25mm and 38-40 mm for those weighing more than 100kg. Needles which are 16mm or shorter will enter the subcutaneous (SC) layer. Needles of 25mm may not enter the muscle in those weighing more than 100kg. Absorption from the SC layer is significantly slowed compared to IM injection and is biphasic. This is likely to lead to lower plasma levels in the first 10 minutes after injection. Therefore, epinephrine autoinjectors should not be used by health professionals for the immediate management of anaphylaxis or suspected anaphylaxis unless they are the only source of epinephrine available. This is consistent with the Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis: Guidelines for healthcare providers 2021 from the Resuscitation Council UK.

BASSH Bitesize Free Zoom. The Monkeypox Outbreak. Wednesday 15th June. 17.00-18.00

The next BASHH Bitesize Free ZOOM will take place on Wednesday 15th June from 17:00-18:00 and features:

1. The Monkeypox Outbreak. An extended presentation. Dr Hannah Charles UKHSA

2. BASHH Monkeypox Operational Group Update. Professor Matt Phillips BASHH UK

3. Q&A Panel: Dr Claire Dewsnap BASHH President & BASHH Officers

Panel Discussion

Congratulations and best wishes to Joan Broderick (IADT), and Hannah Glackin (ATU), on their retirement.

Congratulations and best wishes to our  esteemed colleagues,  Nurse Joan Broderick (IADT), and Nurse Hannah Glackin (ATU, previously LYIT), as  they retire from nursing, after long and wonderful careers. ISHA would like to acknowledge and thank Joan and Hannah, for their outstanding contribution to student health, and the Irish Student Health Association over many years. They will be greatly missed, by students, staff and all who worked with and knew them.

Men's Health Week, 13th-19th June 2022.

Men's Health Week 2022, runs from Monday 13th-Sunday 19th June 2022. The core aims of MHW each year are to:
Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.
Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.
Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.
Each year, individual countries focus upon a specific theme for Men's Health Week. The theme for 2022 on the island of Ireland is: ‘MISSION: isPOSSIBLE’, and the call to men and those who support the health of men is: 'the action starts with you'.

New HRB report examines substance use among young people

Findings from the latest HRB report reveal that adolescents are starting to drink alcohol at a later age – but one-in-three young drinkers has an alcohol use disorder. The data highlights an increase in substance-related hospitalisations among young people and that treatment for cocaine use among young people increased by 171% between 2011 and 2019. It also shows a clear link between mental ill health and substance use, evident across data on anxiety, self-harm and suicide.