The next BASHH Bitesize Free ZOOM will take place on Wednesday 15th June from 17:00-18:00 and features:
1. The Monkeypox Outbreak. An extended presentation. Dr Hannah Charles UKHSA
2. BASHH Monkeypox Operational Group Update. Professor Matt Phillips BASHH UK
3. Q&A Panel: Dr Claire Dewsnap BASHH President & BASHH Officers
Panel Discussion
The session takes place on Zoom Gallery Format and will be an open Q&A but if you wish to submit ideas for consideration and escalation, important news about your region or services, or questions prior to the webinar please email events@BASHH.org or john.mcsorley@nhs.net.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsf-ytqzkvHt1_liIWepx-GKUYHKRpBg4f