
ADHD in Adults app. Developed by the National Clinical Programme for ADHD in Adults, in partnership with ADHD Ireland and the UCD School of Psychology.

The ADHD in Adults app was developed by the National Clinical Programme for ADHD in Adults, in partnership with ADHD Ireland and the UCD School of Psychology, and launched by Minister Mary Butler on Tuesday 8th November. This app is for adults diagnosed with ADHD, adults who may have ADHD, and partners, friends and family of adults with ADHD. The development of the App is an important milestone in the overall development of supports for Adults with ADHD in Ireland.  Available to download on iOS and Android.

IBTS to introduce Individual Donor Risk Assessment on 28th November

On Monday 28th November, the IBTS will introduce a system of assessing each donor’s eligibility to donate on a person-by-person basis in relation to sexual history and risk, rather than applying risks associated with specific populations which have previously excluded some potential donors.  This system is called Individual Donor Risk Assessment and is like the system that was introduced in the UK Blood Services in 2021.

HSE Webinar: Invitation to International Men's Day launch of the MAN Survey by Brent Pope on Friday 18th November 2022 at 10.30am

The final webinar this year on Masculinities and Men’s Health is on the 18th November, in the run up to International Men’s Day on the 19th. This will be dedicated to the launch of the MAN (Men’s Attitudes Now) Survey by the Men’s Development Network with special guest Brent Pope. Registration link: 

HSE Mental Health Literacy Campaign Partner Pack October 2022

The HSE has developed a new advertising campaign to promote and encourage people aged over 18 to recognise common mental health difficulties and find information and supports on The campaign is informed by quantitative and qualitative research on public attitudes, beliefs and people’s awareness and knowledge of mental health. Based on these insights the campaign will work to improve people’s