EU Alcohol Awareness Week runs from 28th November to 4th December. The HSE will be hosting a webinar on 30th November on 'Young people and alcohol – what do we know and what can we do about it?'.
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This webinar is hosted by the HSE Health and Wellbeing Alcohol Programme as part of EU Alcohol Awareness Week. The panel of speakers will discuss the statistics around alcohol use among adolescent and young people in Ireland and the wider environmental impacts. The speakers will be joined by an expert panel who will discuss how we, as a society, can help raise awareness on how to protect young people in Ireland from the harms of alcohol.
Opening address: Dr. Philip Crowley I National Director for Strategy and Research in the Health Services Executive.
Introduction: Aisling Sheehan | National Lead HSE Alcohol and Mental Health and Wellbeing Programmes.
Eoin McNamara - Research Analyst for the Growing up in Ireland study in the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Anne Doyle - Research Officer in the Health Research Board (HRB).
Presentation Title: Trends in Alcohol Consumption from Adolescence to Early Adulthood – Findings from Growing Up in Ireland.
Anne Doyle - Research Officer in the Health Research Board (HRB)
Presentation title: Risk and protective factors associated with alcohol use among children and young people
Alexander Tran - Research Consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO) and Institute for Mental Health Policy Research, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Presentation title: The impact of taxation and minimum legal drinking age on young adults: an example in Lithuania.
Panel Discussion with speakers and guest panelists (*guest panelists TBC)