ISHA 2025- Cork, 7th & 8th March

ISHA Conference 2025. Friday 7th and Saturday 8th  March 2025, at the Kingsley Hotel Cork. Hosted by University College Cork

We have a wonderful line up of speakers for this year’s conference, see the agenda attached. 


The attendance fee remains the same as last year.

 Full 2-day conference ticket including Gala dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday: €150

Friday only ticket including Gala dinner: €120

Saturday only ticket including lunch: €60



Booking for the hotel is now open at the beautiful To avail of our special conference rate, tell them that you're with us! The hotel is also offering special weekend rates for our delegates who want to make a weekend of it.

Telephone:021 480 0500   or email
Conference rates for Kingsley Hotel Cork.

 Single occupancy  B&B  €180

Double room occupancy B&B €200



                        Friday, 7th March 2025

 2:00 PM – Opening Address Professor John O’Halloran, UCC President 

2:15 PM- 10 Things every GP should know about ADHD Dr Sarah Carty, Gp with special interest in ADHD 

3:00 PM – ICGP Mental Health Update Dr. Aoife O’Sullivan, Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Irish College of General Practitioners

 3:15 PM – Coffee Break 3:30 PM – Women’s Health Focus, PCOS , POI Dr. Maeve Durkan, Consultant Endocrinologist 

4:15 PM –Section Meetings 

● NASH Nurses Association Student Health

 ● DASH Doctors Association Student Health 

5:15 PM – Tour of UCC’s New Student Health Premises Location: Crows Nest, Victoria Cross

 7:15 PM – Drinks reception

 7:30 PM -Gala Dinner & Entertainment Saturday, 

                              8th March 2025 

9:00 AM – Opening Address Professor Stephen Byrne, UCC Vice President

 9:15 AM – Common Presentations to the Eye Casualty Department Dr. Terence MacSwiney, Consultant Ophthalmologist 

10:00 AM –Changes in Emerging Drug Trends among Young People in Ireland Professor Eamon Keenan, National Clinical Lead, HSE Addiction Services 

10:45 AM – Coffee Break

 11:00 AM – Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Common GI Complaints in Students Dr. Lucina Jackson, Consultant Gastroenterologist 

11:45 AM –Brian O Connell, RTE Journalist and author of ‘The Human Stories behind the Small Adds’ 

12: 45 PM – Annual General Meeting (AGM), presentation of prizes and lunch