HSE-HPSC/NIO short survey on influenza and COVID-19 vaccination intention, to support planning of immunisation programmes

All healthcare workers in Ireland are invited to participate in a short survey on influenza and COVID-19 vaccination intention which will support planning of our immunisation programmes. This survey is a joint venture between HSE-Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) and HSE-National Immunisation Office (NIO). All healthcare workers are kindly invited to participate including all those based in hospitals, residential care facilities, primary care and in other capacities, including administrative roles.   

Link to Survey: https://hpsc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cUwCoWBX14LiJAG

The focus of the survey is on healthcare workers attitudes to vaccination and intention, specifically in relation to key issues with questions based on the 5C model: 

1) Confidence in vaccines 

2) Constraints in accessing vaccination services 

3) Calculation of risks and benefits associated with vaccination  

4) Complacency in obtaining additional vaccine doses 

5) Collective responsibility and the extent to which vaccinations are accepted with regard to the health and well-being of others   

Your answers will be anonymous and all information provided through this questionnaire will be used for research purposes only, and the data stored securely and treated with complete confidentiality. The study has been ethically approved and reviewed by the HSE's Committee on Ethical Reviews of Health Related Research Studies.

It should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete and you will be asked questions about yourself and about seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. Please cascade this email to other colleagues that may be interested in completing this survey. The deadline for submission is Friday 23 rd December.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated and it will support planning of our immunisation programmes.

For more information about this survey, please contact: piaras.olorcain@hpsc.ie