Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Care (UnPAC) research study. Published 12/07/2022.


This research was commissioned by the Health Service Executive’s (HSE) Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme (SHCPP), Health and Wellbeing, Research and Strategy. This study was commissioned within the remit of the National Sexual Health Strategy (2015 – 2020) and with the support of HSE National Women and Infant’s Health Programme (NWIHP) and HSE Primary Care Strategy and Planning (PCSP).

The Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Care (UnPAC) research study presents data from 58 women who shared their experiences of accessing unplanned pregnancy and abortion services in Ireland since the enactment of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. 

The UnPAC study will make a significant contribution to the review of the operation of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 by informing the service-user strand of the review.

The full report can be accessed at: https://www.sexualwellbeing.ie/for-professionals/research/research-reports/unpac.pdf