Minister of State for Mental Health, Mary Butler TD, today (23/03/2022), launched the first implementation plan for Sharing the Vision - a mental health policy for everyone 2020- 2030.
Download ‘Sharing the Vision Implementation Plan 2022 to 2024' (PDF, 1.44MB, 136 pages)
Sharing the Vision is a policy framework for the continued development and enhancement of mental health services in Ireland from 2020 to 2030. It replaces the previous policy, ‘A Vision for Change’.
Implementing the recommendations in the policy is a key commitment in the Programme for Government and a priority for the Department of Health and the HSE. The ‘Sharing the Vision Implementation Plan 2022- 2024’ provides a high-level description of intended outputs between 2022- 2024. Further implementation plans will be developed for 2025- 2027 and 2028- 2030.
'Sharing the Vision-A Mental Health Policy for Everyone', focuses on outcomes and adopts a life-cycle approach. This places the individual at the centre of service delivery at different stages of life.
It also aims to enhance the provision of services and supports across a continuum of care, including:
- mental health promotion
- prevention and early intervention
- acute and specialist mental health services
Some of the intended outcomes are:
- the creation of a mental health system that focuses on the requirements of the individual
- the development and delivery of a range of integrated activities to promote positive mental health in the community
- increased participation of service users, families, carers and supporters in the design of mental health services
- the enhanced provision of accessible, comprehensive and community-based mental health services
- enhanced capacity of primary care services to respond to mental health needs, in which specialist mental health services are not required
The policy reinforces the following service delivery principles:
- Recovery
- Trauma-informed
- Human rights
- Partnership
- Valuing and learning