Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has launched the inaugural Menopause Awareness Week, to open the conversation around menopause. Together with a national ad campaign and http://gov.ie/menopause it encourages everyone to talk about menopause
When this website talks about “women” it is intended in the most inclusive sense of the word. It is used as shorthand to describe all those who identify as women as well as those that do not identify as women but who share women’s biological realities and experiences. In using this term, we seek to include not exclude. Using gender to inform health policy is just one way of creating more targeted, personalised health services for all people in Ireland.
The need to start an open conversation around menopause was a key insight from the radical listening exercise commissioned by the Women's Health Taskforce, to improve women’s health outcomes and experiences of healthcare.
Menopause, when periods stop permanently, is a biological phase that all females undergo at some point in their lives. Menopause can cause symptoms like hot flushes, changes to periods, mood swings, anxiety and brain fog. These symptoms can start years before periods stop and carry on afterwards.
Less than 20% of women currently experiencing menopause/perimenopause today describe it as a positive experience and the majority of people (82%) agree that menopause is not openly discussed. We need to start a new conversation around menopause, how we care for it and support it in a holistic way.
Much has been done to support, implement and enhance menopause clinical care to date. Three specialist menopause clinics in the National Maternity Hospital, the Coombe and Nenagh Hospital have opened to date with another three, in the Rotunda in Cork and Galway, planned to open in 2022. Specialist Menopause Clinics are designed to treat complex symptoms of menopause, however, the majority of people in menopause can manage their symptoms at home or with a GP.
Supported by the Women’s Health Fund, the ICGP have recently published a Quick Reference Guide on the Diagnosis and Management of Menopause in General Practice. Budget 2023 saw the removal of VAT from Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to improve equality of access to women across the country.
Not all women will need access to specialist menopause care. This website aims to support people in Ireland to know more about menopause, whether that means understanding their own symptoms or supporting a loved one, friend or colleague through their menopause.