HSE HPSC Surveillance/Acute Ops: Meningococcal disease Alert. 04/10/2022.


HPSC has been notified of four individuals who have been diagnosed with meningococcal disease in the last week of September

  • Of the 4 individuals  
    • 3 of the cases have been laboratory confirmed as having meningococcal serogroup B disease
    • 1 case was diagnosed based on clinical presentation
  • One fatality has been reported in the media
  • The age groups affected are 3 young adults (15-19 age group) and 1 child less than 10 years of age
  • The regions of residence are all different parts of the country
  • None of the cases have had identified links with each other or though common travel/social venue/educational facility or other social activity
  • The reference laboratory is conducting further investigations on samples

Requested actions

  • Clinicians are asked to be remain vigilant to the possibility that further cases may present at this time of increase social mixing post pandemic restrictions.
  • Laboratory Diagnosis •
    • Antibiotic therapy should not be delayed while initiating or awaiting results of diagnostic tests.
    • Diagnostic tests used include:
      • Culture for pathogens associated with meningitis from normally sterile sites i.e. blood culture +/- CSF examination and culture.
      • Specific PCR tests are available to detect pathogens commonly causing meningitis/sepsis (blood and CSF samples).
      • Additional tests that may be useful include:
        • Direct microscopy and demonstration of intracellular gram negative diplococci (GNDC) in scrapings from a petechial or purpuric lesion.
        • Culture for N. meningitidis from non-sterile site (throat, eye) is recommended as an adjunct to other samples as it may yield an isolate for epidemiological typing, however, this is not a diagnostic test.

Actions being undertaken by HSE

  1. Cascade to Clinicians to raise awareness
  2. Advice is being provided to the general public regarding signs and symptoms and to seek medical attention as appropriate
  3. Student Union services are being asked to raise awareness about meningitis and sepsis among the student population

Further sources of information:

HSE Bacterial meningitis guidelines : HPSC BacMen 2017 Web.pdf

HPSC – Bacterial meningitis factsheet Factsheets - Health Protection Surveillance Centre (hpsc.ie)

HPSC – data Surveillance Reports - Health Protection Surveillance Centre (hpsc.ie)

National Immunisation Office website – information about MenB, MenC and MenACWY vaccines www.immunisation.ie

Urgent - cascade within 24 hours



Dr Lorraine Doherty

National Clinical Director Health Protection

HSE - Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC)

25-27 Middle Gardiner Street

Dublin 1

D01 A4A3
