HSE Health and Wellbeing Alcohol Programme. 'Let's Talk About Alcohol and Pregnancy' Webinar. 9th September 12.30 - 1.45

'Let's Talk About Alcohol and Pregnancy' Webinar

The HSE Health and Wellbeing Alcohol Programme will host a webinar on the 9th September 12.30 - 1.45 to inform and guide conversations about alcohol and pregnancy as part of International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day. 

This webinar will explore how to effectively communicate about the risks of alcohol during pregnancy and have challenging conversations about alcohol and pregnancy. New videos demonstrating alcohol brief interventions with pregnant women will be launched.

This webinar is aimed at all health and social care professionals working with pregnant women and/or those planning a pregnancy. It will also be of interest to a wider audience such as those working in education, health promotion, and community development.

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