The Healthy Ireland Survey 2022: Summary Report. 05/12/2022

The Healthy Ireland Survey 2022

The Healthy Ireland Survey 2022 gives a valuable insight into the nations health, including tobacco and alcohol use, obesity, health service use, menstrual health and skin protection. Available at: 

The Healthy Ireland Survey is an annual survey conducted with a representative sample of the population aged 15 and older living in Ireland. The sample size is typically in the region of over 7.500 people. Fieldwork to date has been conducted by Ipsos MRBI.

General health

  • overall, 82% of respondents perceived their health as ‘good’ or ‘very good’, compared to 3% who perceived their health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’
  • 28% of respondents report having a long-term illness or chronic condition that has lasted 6 months or more. The most commonly diagnosed conditions are high blood pressure (6%), arthritis (5%), asthma (4%), diabetes (4%) and high cholesterol (3%)


  • 18% of the population are current smokers, 14% smoke daily and 4% smoke occasionally. 25 to 34 year-olds are the age group most likely to smoke, as was the case in all survey waves between 2015 and 2019
  • men are more likely than women to smoke across all age groups with the differential being widest among those aged 25 to 34. Just over a third (34%) of men and 14% of women in this age group are smokers
  • over a quarter (27%) of men in the 25-34 age group are daily smokers, compared with 10% of women of the same age. The equivalent proportions in the 2021 survey were 20% and 16% respectively
  • 46% of all who smoked in the last 12 months have attempted to quit; 23% of those who attempted to quit in the last 12 months were successful
  • 3% of the population have used e-cigarettes, with a further 3% reporting have tried them in the past but no longer use them. Usage of e-cigarettes is highest among those aged under 25 with 6% in this age group currently using them

Alcohol consumption

  • 67% of people have consumed alcohol in the previous 6 months, an increase of 1% since 2021. Those aged 15-34 most likely to have consumed alcohol in the last six months
  • gender differences in alcohol consumption are small, with men (69%) slightly more likely than women (65%) to have consumed alcohol in the prior 6 months
  • roughly half (52%) who had consumed alcohol in the previous 6 months reported they normally drink at least once a week, with a further 32% drinking multiple times a week
  • men drink alcohol more frequently than women. 36% of male drinkers drink alcohol more than once a week, compared to 27% of female drinkers. These figures are broadly unchanged since 2021
  • there has been a decline in drinking frequency among 35 to 44 year olds. Just over half (51%) of drinkers in this age group drink at least once a week, with 26% doing so multiple times a week. This compares with 60% and 36% respectively in 2021
  • 32% of those who consumed alcohol in the previous 6 months are considered binge drinkers. This is higher than was measured in 2021 (22%), but remains behind the levels of binge drinking measured in 2018 (37%)
  • this means that 22% of the population (aged 15+) are categorised as binge drinkers, compared with 20% in 2021, and 28% in 2018


  • 41% of the population report a normal weight with 35% reporting that they are overweight and 21% reporting that they are obese. Men are more likely than women to report being overweight or obese (63% and 50% respectively)
  • among those aged between 15 and 24, roughly the same proportion of men and women report a normal weight (64% and 63% respectively). However, this gap widens among older age groups with an 18-point gap among those aged between 55 and 64 (22% of men and 40% of women in this age group report a normal weight)
  • roughly a third (34%) report that they are currently trying to lose weight. This is at the same level as measured on previous waves of this survey
  • weights and measurements for this Wave of the Survey are self-reported and were collected over the phone, as opposed to being measured in person previously. Results are therefore not fully comparable, however, rates of overweight and obesity do not appear to have increased since 2019 (a slight drop was noted)

Dental health

Dental visits – Adults

  • just under half (49%) of those aged 15 or older visited the dentist in the past year – broadly the same as measured in 2018 (47%)
  • women are more likely than men to have visited a dentist in the past year (55% and 43% respectively), with no significant differences across age groups among those who have their own teeth
  • 63% of those visiting the dentist in the past year did so for a check-up including scaling or cleaning in the last year. 23% visited because treatment was needed but no prior pain, 9% visited because of pain
  • in the last year, 65% of those aged over 15 paid for their dentist visits at least in part from personal funds. 23% reported that they availed of PRSI contributions to cover at least part of the cost of dental visits, 14% used a medical card to cover dental costs, and 6% used private health or dental insurance
  • among those paying at least in part for a dentist visit from their own private funds, 40% paid up to €75, 30% paid between €76 and €149, and 24% paid more than this. The median amount reported by those paying either in part or wholly from their private funds was €80

Dental visits – Children

  • for the first time, this wave of the survey included questions relating to dental treatment for dependent children
  • 40% of children identified by the Survey had visited the dentist in the past 12 months, including 11% of children aged under 6, 47% of children aged between 6 and 11, and 55% of children aged between 12 and 17
  • 73% of visits were for a check-up including routine scaling/cleaning. 15% attended for treatment where there was no prior pain and 5% attended due to pain
  • the majority (58%) of these visits were paid for partly or wholly from their parents or guardian’s own funds, while 24% had their costs covered at least in part by the HSE. The median amount reported by parents or guardians paying either in part or wholly from their private funds was €100

Skin health and protection

  • 86% of people frequently use at least one method of sun protection during the summer in Ireland. Women are more likely than men to use sun protection (93% and 80% respectively)
  • those aged under 35 are less likely to use sun protection than those older than this (83% and 88% respectively)
  • 18% have used a sunbed at some point during their life, with 3% overall reporting that they use sunbeds either regularly or from time-to-time. Current sunbed use is highest among women aged under 45 (6%). Overall, 4% of women and 1% of men use sunbeds

Menstrual health and period poverty

Menstrual health issues

  • 67% have experienced period pain at some point, with 59% experiencing period related fatigue or tiredness, and 56% experiencing Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). Of those who have current periods, 68% reported period pain, 64% reported fatigue or tiredness, and 60% reported experiences of PMS
  • 49% report being limited in their daily activities before or during their period, resulting from symptoms including pain, fatigue, heavy bleeding, or PMS. Similarly, 51% of those with current periods report limitations to their daily activities for the same reasons
  • 10% are severely limited on a regular basis due to their period symptoms. 10% of 25-to-34-year-olds are severely limited on a regular basis, compared to 6% of 35-to-44-year-olds

Managing menstrual pain

  • 62% report using painkillers or other pain relief methods to manage period pain at least occasionally, while 27% report taking the pill or other regular medications to control period symptoms at least occasionally. Similarly, for those with current periods, 63% and 27%, have used pain relief methods and taken regular medication, respectively
  • regular medications (that is, the pill) are taken by 12% of people and 13% of those with current periods to control symptoms for every period. The use of pain killers or pain relief for every period is significantly higher among those who are severely limited in their daily activities by period symptoms (46%), compared to 11% of those who are not limited by their period symptoms
  • 24% have visited their doctor due to the severity of period symptoms, while 7% have had surgery to control period symptoms

Period and hygiene poverty

  • 24% of eligible respondents indicated they had experienced at least one issue that is indicative of period poverty. 15-to-24-year-olds are more likely (35%) to have experienced period poverty at some point, as are those who are experiencing unemployment (43%). This is compared to those who are at work (22%), are students (27%), and those aged 35-to-44 (23%)
  • 14% of people aged over 25 report that they have had to improvise with materials not intended for use during their period. 10% have struggled to afford period products, 10% have changed to less suitable products due to cost, and 8% have asked to borrow products they couldn’t afford
  • 30% of people have forgotten to bring enough products to work, college, school or on a day out, and 15% have ran out of period products and been unable to source them (for example: shops were closed, they were in a remote location)
  • all survey respondents (identifying as male, female, or other gender) were asked a further question in relation to affordability of wider hygiene products (for example: soap, household cleaning agents, nappies, period products). 6% report having had problems buying enough hygiene products over the past year because of cost
  • females (8%) are significantly more likely than males to report problems. Mothers (9%) are also more likely than both fathers (6%) and non-parents (6%) to report this. People who are at work are less likely to have had problems purchasing hygiene products (5%). This compares to 13% both of those who are unemployed and those engaged in home duties

Mental health and suicide awareness

Experiences of suicide

  • 67% know someone who has died by suicide, with 14% knowing someone close to them who has died in this way. Those aged between 45 and 64 are most likely to know someone who has died by suicide (45-54: 76%, 55-64: 77%), compared with 58% of those aged under 25, and 61% of those aged between 25 and 34
  • just over a quarter (26%) report that the person they know who most recently died by suicide was a friend, 25% identify them as an acquaintance and 23% identify them as an extended family member. 4% identify a person who was an immediate family member
  • 8% of those who know someone who has died by suicide report that the death has a significant or devastating effect on them that they still feel

Attempted suicide

  • 6% of respondents report that they have attempted to take their own life at some point in the past, with 10% of those aged under 35 reporting an attempt to take their own life compared to less than 1% of those aged 65 or older
  • 15% of those describing their general health as fair or bad, and 9% of those with a long-standing illness or health problem, report attempting to take their own life

Health service utilisation

  • 71% report having visited a GP in the previous 12 months with an average of 3.8 visits per person among all aged 15 and older. This average includes those who have not visited a GP
  • the proportion visiting a GP and average number of visits are both higher than in the 2021 survey (66% visited a GP, with an average of 3.3 visits per person), but lower than measured in 2019 (73% visited a GP, with an average of 4.5 visits per person)
  • the pattern of GP visits by gender and age is similar to previous years with women more likely than men to visit a GP, and those in older age groups more likely to attend than younger age groups
  • 82% of those with a full medical card attended a GP in the past 12 months, with an average of 5.6 visits. This compares to 64% and 2.8 visits respectively among private patients
  • 31% consulted a medical or surgical consultant on their own behalf during the past 12 months. This is slightly higher than the previous time this was measured in 2016 when 27% reported the same
  • as with GP visits, women are more likely than men to have consulted a medical or surgical consultant during the past 12 months (36% and 27% respectively), and those who are older are more likely than younger people to have visited a consultant (aged 55 and older: 38%, aged under 35: 25%)
  • during the past 12 months 13% have used an emergency department in a public hospital, with 3% using an emergency department in a private hospital. This compares with 10% and 2% respectively in the 2017 survey
  • 13% have used a Medical Assessment Unit in a public hospital during the past 12 months, an increase from 6% in the 2018 survey. Local injury units in public hospitals were used by 4% of those aged 15 and older (2018: 3%)

Health behaviours and COVID-19

Smoking and COVID-19

  • while overall smoking prevalence has remained unchanged over the period of COVID-19 restrictions, smokers are reporting changes in the amount that they smoke
  • the 2022 Survey found that just over a third (36%) of smokers report a change in their smoking behaviour since the start of the COVID-19 restrictions, with 19% smoking more and 17% smoking less that they did previously
  • the results of the 2021 survey identified that half of smokers reported a change, with 28% smoking more and 21% smoking less. This suggests that there has been a decline in the number of smokers who are smoking more with behaviours returning to pre-COVID-19 levels
  • this pattern is similar across all gender and age groups with younger and older smokers alike less likely now to report an increase in the amount they smoke when compared to the 2021 survey wave

Alcohol consumption and COVID-19

  • the restrictions introduced to restrict the spread of COVID-19 meant that pubs and restaurants remained closed throughout much of the fieldwork period during the previous wave of the survey in 2021, with access to hospitality limited
  • a small decline in frequency of alcohol consumption (from 41% to 37% of the population drinking alcohol at least once a week). However, 42% of drinkers reported that they were drinking less alcohol since the start of the COVID-19 restrictions
  • the 2022 Survey found that the proportion reporting that they drink less has declined to 33%, with 54% claiming that the amount of alcohol they consume has remained unchanged. Roughly one in eight drinkers (13%) report that they now drink more – the same as measured in the previous wave
  • while there are various ways in which this can be interpreted, it suggests that alcohol consumption patterns for some have returned to what they were prior to the COVID-19 restrictions, but that for many drinkers they are still drinking less than they were prior to the introduction of restrictions
  • one of the key findings emerging from the previous survey was a gender difference in drinking patterns, particularly between mothers and fathers. Previously almost 1 in 5 (19%) mothers who drink reported that they were now drinking more, compared to 13% of fathers who reported the same. This gender difference is no longer evident in this wave with equal proportions of women and men, as well as mothers and fathers, now reporting that they drink more (13% in all cases)

Weight and COVID-19

  • just over two out of every five people (42%) report a change in their weight since the start of the COVID-19 restrictions, with 27% reporting a weight gain and 15% reporting that they have lost weight
  • these figures are broadly unchanged since the previous survey when 29% reported a weight gain, and 11% reported a weight loss
  • as with the previous wave women are more likely than men to report a gain in weight (33% and 21% respectively), however while the proportion of men reporting a weight gain has declined from 25% since 2021, the proportion of women reporting the same has remained unchanged
  • overall, the picture presented regarding weight gain is broadly similar to that identified in the previous survey wave. This suggests that while changes in alcohol consumption and smoking may have been temporary in nature and are returning to similar levels as measured before the pandemic, changes in weight may be more long-lasting and difficult to reverse. Encouragingly, however, 66% of those who have gained weight report that they are currently trying to lose weight


About the survey: This is the seventh set of the findings from the survey and adds to the data collected in the previous surveys published from 2015 - 2021. A representative sample of 7,455 people aged 15 and older living in Ireland were interviewed between November 2021 and July 2022. The data from Healthy Ireland Surveys is used to underpin policy development and implementation, to monitor, measure and evaluate progress in implementing various elements of the Healthy Ireland Framework, as well as to meet many international reporting obligations,  including to the OECD, the EU and the WHO.