Please see below information regarding a questionnaire which is being distributed to nursing and midwifery colleagues throughout all services in relation to the career pathways for CNS/CMS and ANP/AMP in the community in the future.
Dear colleague,
The Expert Review Body on Nursing & Midwifery, established by the Minister for Health in 2021, published a report last year containing 47 recommendations on the future of the nursing and midwifery professions. These recommendations are wide ranging, spanning four areas; Workforce, Education, Digital Health, and Governance and Leadership Structures. The successful implementation of these recommendations is imperative to support Nursing & Midwifery to develop and deliver the capacity and skills required to for the implementation of Sláintecare. An Implementation Oversight Team (IOT) has been established and recommendations have been prioritised in work packages and distributed to five Implementation Action Groups (IAGs).
IAG 2: Nursing and Midwifery Workforce – Career Pathways are tasked with developing an implementation plan for ERB recommendations 7, 8 & 9.
Recommendation 7: ONMSD, with the higher education institutions, to identify and develop clinical nurse specialist/clinical midwifery specialist and advanced nursing practice/advanced midwifery practice career pathways to meet service needs in community and primary care settings.
Recommendation 8: The HSE to support the development of integrated clinical nurse specialist/clinical midwifery specialist and advanced nursing practice/advanced midwifery practice services in line with the Enhanced Community Care Programme and acute care services as outlined in the HSE National Service Plan 2021 and supported by the implementation of the Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Contract.
Recommendation 9: The ONMSD, with the higher education institutions, to advance planning for the further development of community midwifery care in line with the recommendations of Sláintecare and the National Maternity Strategy (Department of Health 2016).
IAG 2 have developed a survey which will be used to engage and consult with stakeholders. The findings will inform IAG 2 in the development of an action plan to progress implementation of the recommendations.
The attached link is to the IAG 2 Stakeholder Survey for Recommendations 7 & 8. We invite nurses, midwives, general practitioners and other health care colleagues to complete the survey. Closing date is 27th November 2023. Participation is voluntary and anonymous.
Thanking you in advance for your participation and sharing the survey link.